Archive for the ‘Discipleship’ Category

Remain in me – John 15:1-8

Posted: July 8, 2013 by riverchurchvicar in Discipleship, Holy Spirit, Jesus

On Sunday 7th July, we were hugely blessed to have a Baptism Service at River Church. Steve spoke to the baptism candidates and the whole church about remaining In Jesus so that our lives are fruitful, productive and successful.

“Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.” John 15:4

When a rose has been cut off from the rose bush, it can only survive for a short term. It will fade and die because it has lost its source of nourishment. In the same way, says Jesus, we must stay close to him, connected to him, rooted in him.

Plants such as roses need 3 things to be healthy :-

  • Good soil – this is a picture of Jesus… we are to be rooted in Him!
  • Water – this is a picture of the Holy Spirit… we need to be filled up to overflowing!
  • Food – this is God’s word, the Bible… we need to feed ourselves daily on God’s word.

Listen in for yourself to Steve’s message below.


2013-06-26 17.51.13

On Saturday 29th June, a number of local speakers helped us to think about the challenge of making (and keeping) Christian disciples here in Telford, in our 21st century consumer culture. The conference focussed on 5 different facets and you can catch up on the presentations below by clicking on the ‘play’ button for each talk.

follow me

Mark Ireland: Committing to Discipleshiplaying the foundations


Leslie Burke: Community DiscipleshipCollective service of the local community


Andy Smith: Keeping Disciplesavoiding losing the sheep


Keith Osmund-Smith: Incarnational Discipleshipgetting disciples involved beyond church


Steve Kelly:  Discipleship today mixing old and new models [handout available here Workshop Handout – TCC conference – Making Disciples]


Further downloads available :-

Speakers Bio

Conference Programme

“My peace I leave with you”

Posted: June 10, 2013 by riverchurchvicar in Discipleship, Faith, Holy Spirit, Jesus

deliaFind out why Steve was encouraging River Church to close the door to Delia but let Eirene come in and take up residence in your home!!! Based on John 14:27 “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” 


Here’s a great song of dedication and trust in God.

Into your hands
I commit again
With all I am for You, Lord.
You hold my world
in the palm of Your hand,
And I am Yours for ever.

Download the PEACE bookmark as a reminder of this talk here > > Bookmark – My peace I give to you


“I am the Way, the Truth and the Life”

Posted: June 3, 2013 by riverchurchvicar in Discipleship, Holy Spirit

Steve began his talk on Sunday by considering how the disciples felt about the news that Jesus was leaving them. They felt lost! Uncertain about the future, maybe a sense of panic, With typical frankness, Thomas says to Jesus, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?” John 14:5


The words of Jesus to his disciples 200 years ago are just as relevant to us today. “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in me.” John 14:1 You can listen to Steve’s talk by clicking on the play button below.

Steve also went on to talk about two great promises which Jesus made for the journey.

  • The promise of the Holy Spirit living right inside to bring us guidance, reassurance, peace and a sense of God’s presence.
  • The love of God our heavenly Father to surround us, protect us and .

Nicky Gumbel comments, The way in which Jesus passes on his legacy is through the Holy Spirit.  He will send the Holy Spirit to live in your heart.  Jesus had thought it through very carefully and had made a great succession plan!

Listen to part 2 of the talk below and read the passage for yourself here.

Closer to Jesus….and more of the Holy Spirit

Posted: February 4, 2013 by bytherivertelford in Discipleship, Holy Spirit, Worship

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses… Acts 1:8

As we enter a season to gather together and ask boldly that God gives us more of His Holy Spirit, on Sunday Steve talked of Elijah, a miracle working Israelite Prophet, who called fire from heaven.

To listen to the talk click play below..


The powerpoint accompanying the talk can be viewed here: Elijah Consuming Fire

The kingdom, power and glory

Posted: January 21, 2013 by bytherivertelford in Discipleship, Kingdom, Prayer


Steve talked this very snowy Sunday on ‘The Kingdom, Power and Glory from The Lords Prayer. To download his talk please press play:

Maggie previously talked on Your Kingdom Come Your Will Be Done, which can also be listened to here.



Welcome to 2013

Posted: January 7, 2013 by bytherivertelford in Discipleship, Faith, Worship

Battle of JerichoThis Sunday, 6th January 2013, Steve and Maggie welcomed us back to River Church and in to 2013.

The battle of Jericho and an introduction to Joshua, whom the River Kids will be studying this month can be downloaded.

Lord give us Adventure, Boldness & Courage in 2013
As we fix our eyes on Jesus”

Here’s Brian Doerkson’s lovely song based on the words of Joshua “As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”


Give a little more love this Christmas

Posted: December 19, 2012 by revstevekelly in Christmas, Discipleship

ttsSteve speaks to staff and students at the Thomas Telford Carol Service about the joy and delight we can find in giving.



“… the greatest gift that you can give to another person is your very own self!

Your heart, your affection, your deepest thoughts, your HOPES & dreams, your future…

At a time of recession, this is one area where there’s no need for cutbacks!

And maybe in cutting back on presents and ‘stuff’, we’ll find we don’t lose out… but we find something much more valuable… the gift of love 🙂 THIS IS THE HEART OF CHRISTMAS.”

You can watch the John Lewis Christmas advert “THE JOURNEY” below…


Gifts for a King – Frankincense

Posted: December 10, 2012 by revstevekelly in Christmas, Discipleship, Mission


Catch up on the talk Steve gave yesterday at Telford Christian Fellowship. Looking at the story in Matthew 2:1-11, Steve explores the themes of WORSHIP, EVANGELISM and MISSION.


Your kingdom come, your will be done

Posted: November 19, 2012 by revstevekelly in Discipleship, Kingdom, Prayer, Social Action

Catch up on Maggie’s talk from Sunday based on J.John’s book.
