Archive for the ‘Restoration’ Category

Steve introduces the story of the lost son from Luke 15:11-31. A story about home coming!

Thanks to Sammy for her powerful testimony about how God has been moving in her life (from 14:30 onwards!). Check out this talk to hear more about God, our Heavenly Father, a lost son who is welcomed home and an older son who has to confront his anger and resentment. There is something for everyone, we hope!

To listen to the story, click on the play button below > > Apologies for the short delay at the start 😦

To find out more about the artist Charlie Mackesey and his paintings, click here.

To find out more about Rembrandt’s painting of the prodigal son, click here.

The slides from Sunday, including the paintings referred to above can be found here ~> > The story of the Prodigal Son .